UITP’s summary on their thoughts regarding the future mobility.

The Future of Mobility 3.0 study, (prepared by UITP),  sheds light on the mobility landscape and the challenges going forward. The most important statements of the study are :

  • Customers’ expectations for fast, reliable, convenient and individualised mobility solutions are rising as fast as the mix of transport modes and services offered to them.
  • This evolution triggers a number of opportunities, but also presents key challenges for transport authorities and mobility solution providers.
  • In order to address future mobility challenges, cities and mobility solutions providers must adopt a more comprehensive and coordinated approach to manage mobility supply and move towards a more proactive approach to demand mobility management so they can better influence behaviours in space and time.
  • The five key dimensions for mobility solution providers to consider: Sense of purpose, Customer experience, Operational excellence, Ecosystem integration, Transformation.
  • Convergence through digitalisation constitutes a major opportunity to reinvent mobility systems as they gradually evolve to embrace mobility-as-a-service (MaaS), moving from the ownership of individual transport modes towards usage of multiple mobility modes as services. The role of public transport authorities is critical here in order to pre-empt the right MaaS market evolution scenario and set the appropriate governance for successful MaaS deployment, benefiting mobility as a whole.